Lalith's Tutoring
Tutoring Plans
MCAT Tutoring
Study strategies and practice directly from a recent 524 scorer. Learn how the MCAT works and how to beat it.
Customized Classes
Whether it be regular or AP classes, Lalith has you covered. Learn powerful study strategies to ace your exams.
About & Contact
About Lalith
Lalith Roopesh is a 3rd-year student at the University of South Florida in the 7-year BS/MD program. He has dual passions in medicine and education, having been involved in a number of research projects and professional organizations as well as creating curricula and teaching for the Judy Genshaft Honors College.
Lalith believes all students can succeed if given the effective tools they need, and works to match each student to the resources that help them towards their goals.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to